Outsourcing Program

Sencom Outsourcing Program members utilize or incorporate Sencom other application programs to provide value-added services to their clients. Outsourcing partners may use general or application-specific software in conjunction with their clients’ data – helping them achieve fast access to mission-critical applications and reducing their capital investment.

  • Application Service Providers (ASPs) provide managed access to certain world class software applications that are hosted by the ASP.
  • Data Service Providers (DSPs) process clients’ data or other third-party data in order to produce hard copy or static electronic reports for such clients.
  • Solution Providers (SSPs) provide managed access to certain software/hardware solutions that are hosted and/or operated by the SSP.
  • Information Technology Outsourcing Providers (ITOs) manage the software and hardware infrastructure for their clients.
  • Business Process Outsourcing Providers (BPOs) provide outsourcing services to manage the business and IT management and operations for either an entire business process (e.g., HR, customer care), or a business function (payroll, benefits administration, claims processing).

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Please contact us for information on Partners, Support & Service, and for further information on Solutions & Services, and Company, at hr@sencominc.com